Members of this ministry are adults who serve at the altar and assist the priest at funerals and on Good Friday at the 3:00PM Solemn Celebration of the Lord's Passion. Those who served during their youth are invited to join the Adult Servers at St. Bridget of Kildare, however, no experience is required and training is available.
It is an honor for parents to extend to their child(ren) the opportunity to become an Altar Server. Our bishops have called us to be a people who practice stewardship. How we use our time, talent and treasure for God is not just a question for adults. In the Epistle of James it states, “If you say to your brother or sister, ‘keep warm and well fed’ but do nothing to meet their needs your faith is worthless.” Service must be one of the qualities of a Christian life. It is never too early to begin teaching children the blessedness of giving.
Altar Servers assist the priest during the Mass. Servers receive a special certificate and are acknowledged by the parish community during commissioning, after training occurs.
The purpose of Art & Environment in the Church’s worship space is to enhance and give dignity to the word, sacrament and ritual of sacred liturgy. This type of art helps to immerse the community into the Paschal Mystery, the dying and rising of Jesus. It creates an environment that helps the faithful more fully experience the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Triduum, Easter and Ordinary Time.
For more information, call Steven Malec at 440-886-4434, x117.
The Bereavement Ministry of Consolation is composed of committed and compassionate parishioners who feel especially called to pray for our beloved faithfully departed and to comfort those who mourn. Our hope is that all who have experienced the loss of a loved one through death will also experience the healing comfort of God. We try to accomplish this through our care and ministry to the bereaved:
-Vigil visit
-Follow-up pastoral care of the bereaved
-Bereavement support programs throughout the year
-Annual All Souls Day Mass
For more information, call Steven Malec at 440-886-4434, x117
Funeral Planning at St. Bridget of Kildare Parish: Our Funeral Booklet has been prepared by the parish office to help assist your family in planning the Mass of Christian Burial for your loved one. We hope that by selecting your own readings and music, you and your family might share more fully in the liturgy, and express your abiding love and care for the deceased. Please click here to view and print the booklet, which is formatted to be printed on legal-size paper, back-to-back.
Along with the booklet is our Liturgy Planning Form that will need to be completed and returned, along with 5-7 key personal facts that stand out about your loved one, at least 2 days in advance of the funeral.
Below is a link to the form.
Click here for the Funeral Liturgy Planning Form.
You can also return the form in person to the rectory office (at least 2 days in advance of visitation) during office hours:
Monday -Thursday
9:00AM to 12:00 Noon
9:00AM to 12:00 Noon
Please be assured of the prayers and concern of our parish for you and your family during this time of loss and grief.
“At the death of a Christian, whose life of faith was begun in the waters of baptism and strengthened at the Eucharistic table, the Church intercedes on behalf of the deceased because of its confident belief that death is not the end nor does it break the bonds forged in life. The Church also ministers to the sorrowing and consoles them in the funeral rites with the comforting word of God and the sacrament of the Eucharist.” ~ Order of Christian Funerals, #4
The Couple to Couple Marriage Ministry assists the pastor in preparing engaged couples for marriage. Couple Ministers share their faith, training and the experience of their own marriage with the engaged couples entrusted in their care. Couple ministers are trained by the diocese and commissioned by their parish to engage in this ministry. They are committed to the couples they serve by preserving confidentiality, by being good listeners and guides, and by encouraging engaged couples to further their spiritual and emotional growth.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest with the distribution of the Eucharist at all scheduled Masses. Some Eucharistic Ministers also bring Communion to our homebound parishioners.
Readers proclaim the word of God to the parish community with meaning and understanding. The Workbook for Readers is provided to all Readers by St. Bridget of Kildare Parish in order to assist in gaining a full understanding of the readings and the Gospel in preparation of the weekend Masses.
Click here to view the current schedule for Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors.
For scheduling information for Eucharistic Ministers and Readers, call Cindy Grogan at 440-886-1468, x13.
The Good Samaritan Ministry is an outreach ministry with a mission to provide compassionate care and services to those in need within the parish community. Members administer to the needs and concerns of the less fortunate living within our parish boundaries. The Ministry derives its funding with a collection the first full weekend each month. It is only through the very generous support of our wonderful parishioners that we are able to financially support our commitment to help those who have little. Good Samaritan Ministry members strive to make it known that what they do comes in the name of Jesus, never from themselves alone, as we are only his servants. The Ministry provides food, clothing, shelter (through rental assistance), medical prescriptions, utilities, transportation, furniture, and other assistance to those in need. The Ministry also works with the Ozanam Food Pantry by providing on a regular basis volunteer workers to distribute food and clothing. We also provide monetary support to other various food pantries within our local area. All the good works and deeds of the Ministry are done in the name of Christ our Savior.
For more information, call the Parish Office 440-886-4434, Ext. 112
St. Bridget of Kildare Youth Group is composed of committed teens and supportive adults and is open to all high school students and friends. Our key word is commitment! The Youth Group’s mission is to strengthen the bond between faith and everyday life and to promote youth as a valued asset of our parish through education, worship, social service and recreational activities. Youth Group meetings occur on the first Sunday of every month. The date and times are published on the parish website and in the Sunday bulletin.
For more information, call Cindy Grogan 440-886-1468, Ext. 13
We visit the area hospitals where our parishioners are admitted. Please notify the Parish Office if you will be hospitalized. Because of privacy laws, hospitals generally do not contact individual churches about admitted members. An individual’s health condition is confidential and no name is published on the parish’s prayer list without the expressed permission of the individual. We also appreciate notification about extended stays at nursing facilities. We bring Communion to the infirmed and shut-ins and encourage participation in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
For more information, call the Parish Office at 440-886-4434.
The Ladies Guild promotes the welfare of the parish. Members plan and participate in religious, educational, and social activities that promote fellowship and community. All women of the parish are invited to join the Guild. Meetings and projects are published in the Sunday bulletin.
The Men’s Spiritual Fraternity is comprised of men of the parish who are seeking to deepen or renew their faith. The group Mission Statement is: To allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into a deeper relationship with the Lord through prayer and fraternity.
The three main goals of the Fraternity are:
*SPIRITUAL: To move us forward in the spiritual life by helping us grow in faith and understanding
*SUPPORTIVE: To provide fraternal support on life’s journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ
*MISSIONARY: To move us to action and outreach
We use a variety of materials to guide our journey. At various times of the year, we meet weekly to discuss, share and learn about our faith, the scriptures, our membership in the Church, and our response as disciples answering the call of Jesus to “Come, follow me.”
All men are invited to join the group. Please see Fr. Rob after Mass or call the Parish Office for more details.
The Ministry of Care and Compassion seeks to provide personal visitation, conversation and friendship to parishioners who are ill and confined to a home or nursing home. Home visitors will be prayerfully present to parishioners, offering an example of personal faith, support, comfort and a compassionate listening ear, attentive to their needs and concerns.
The Miraculous Medal Novena is celebrated every Monday at 8:25AM, before the 8:30AM Mass. This novena is a longstanding tradition at St. Bridget of Kildare Parish. Through it we are invited to join our praise and devotion with that of Mary and the whole Communion of Saints.
“Among the many signs and symbols used by the Church to celebrate its faith, music is of preeminent importance.” -Excerpt from Music in Catholic Worship (1983)
Music is an important and integral part of liturgy. It serves to enhance the gospel message and supports the singing of the congregation. At St. Bridget of Kildare Parish, we have several different groups that assist the congregation and help to enhance the liturgies in order to praise God. The groups that make up the Music Ministries are:
The Resurrection Choir, which enables families at the funeral services to say goodbye to their loved ones in a beautiful manner. They also combine with the other music groups throughout the year (i.e., All Souls, Christmas concert) to enhance the liturgies and work together as a collaborative group. This group is ideal for retirees and people free during the day. You may attend when you are able.
The Hand Bell Choir which plays throughout the year to help enhance the special liturgies such as All Souls, Christmas Season and Easter Season. The hand bell choir is a relatively newer ministry thanks to the generosity of St. Bridget of Kildare parishioners, who offered the financial support necessary for the Music Ministry to start our hand bell choir. They meet for rehearsals from September through the end of May each week and collaborate with the other music ministries throughout the year. Basic music instruction is ideal for this group.
The Traditional Choir, which sings at the 10:00AM Sunday Masses from September through the middle of June. This group is dedicated to enhancing Sunday worship as well as assisting special liturgies throughout the year. They meet on Thursday evenings from September through May and generously give of their time every week, (sometimes several times during the week i.e., Holy Week, Christmas Season, Anointing Mass). Music reading is not required for this group, just a love of collaborating with others and singing. There is a fair amount of dedication needed, although, if one wishes to help out during the holiday seasons only, that is also another option.
The Contemporary Choir is made up of a cantor, small group of singers, guitars and piano. They assist the Sunday Noon Mass all throughout the year.
Musicians and Instrumentalists are another vital resource to the parish liturgy. There is a cantor program for those individuals with strong vocal and leadership skills (must audition and train with the Director of Music), in which they help to lead the congregation in participation of the songs and acclamations. We also have various instrumentalists who play at various times throughout the year.
For more information, see Lauren Kelly after Mass or call 440-886-1468, x19.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Catholic or completing their initiation into the Catholic Church, please call the Pastor at 440-886-4434. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process of welcoming new members to our Faith. It begins each September and continues through the Easter season.
The initiation rites for children (First Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation) are provided through the Parish School of Religion (PSR) program. Call the Parish Catechetical Office at 440-886-1468, x17 for more information.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Children is for children who have not received the Sacrament of Baptism, or for children who have been baptized in the Catholic faith or another Christian denomination, but have not received their First Holy Communion and have not been enrolled in a Parish School of Religion (PSR) Program. Classes begin each fall. Call the Parish Catechetical Office at 440-886-1468, x17 for more information.
"Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." ~Matthew 21:22
Are you in need of prayers? The confidential parish Prayer Chain always welcomes your prayer requests for people to pray for and for your special intentions. To add a name or special intention to the Prayer Chain, call 440-462-8950 or send an email to All these requests are confidential. You only need to provide the first name and first initial of the last name of the person you want us to remember in prayer.
Do you wish to develop a stronger prayer life? New members of the Prayer Chain are always welcome. Contact the Prayer Chain Leader at the phone number or email address above.
Can you knit or crochet? The Prayer Shawl Ministry is open to everyone in our parish. We use our hands and prayerful hearts as we create these shawls to provide comfort, healing, strength and friendship for the recipient. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 1:00PM in the School Commons. This is a ministry that can be done individually or as a group. Everyone is welcome to be a part of this beautiful symbol of caring.
The Rosary Makers make cord rosaries for the missions. Members also make Rosaries in the colors of the Ukranian Flag for people to take home after Mass and pray the Rosary for peace in Ukraine and everywhere.
All are welcome to join our group on Friday mornings in the school building after 8:30AM Mass to make rosaries, or you can make them at home and a member of our group will pick them up and bring them to the parish. No experience is necessary.
If you have a rosary in need of repair, please place it into an envelope along with your name and phone number and put it in the Rosary Repair Basket in the church narthex. Someone will contact you when it is ready for pick up.
A sacristan is a volunteer parishioner who is charged with the care of the sacristy, the church, and their contents. Sacristans assist the Pastor in preparing for daily and weekend Masses. Baptismal sacristans prepare the church for the Sacrament of Baptism on the second Sunday of the month.
Members of this ministry meet on Wednesday mornings in School Meeting Room #1. With the aid of a book on sacred scriptures that each member has, we discuss the readings and gospel for the upcoming weekend and holy days. Members feel that they get much more meaning and fulfillment when they attend Mass after these discussions.
For more information, call the Parish Catechetical Office at 440-886-1468, x17
Member events and activities are published in the Sunday bulletin in advance and are also emailed to our members. Please join us for fun, socializing and friendship.
Our Traveling Madonna statue of Our Lady of Fatima is available for any parishioner to take home and spend special time in prayer. To reserve the statue for a week or two, a sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex. Please write your name and phone number on the sheet and you will be called to make arrangements.
Ushers assist with many functions of our weekend Masses. They select people to present the gifts during Mass, reserve pews, greet people, answer general questions, direct and seat people, collect offertory and special collections during Mass, and assist in emergency situations. This ministry is dedicated to ensuring that the Mass runs smoothly.
The Welcoming Committee contacts new members of St. Bridget of Kildare Parish and welcomes them into our parish family, answering any questions they may have. This committee also plans the annual parish Wine Tasting and monthy Donut Sundays, as well as other parish community activities.
For more information, send an email to
The purpose of our ministry is to bring women of the parish together to explore different genres of faith building such as books, videos, discussion. Our group of women have become a close-knit community who build on each other’s strength and encourage each other to continue growing in our love of our Catholic faith. We meet on Thursday evenings bi-weekly from 6:30-7:30PM. For more information, please contact Dana Steimle at (440)886-1468, ext. 17 or
All women of the parish are invited to the join the Women’s Spiritual Group. We meet at different times of the year for reflection and discussion on our Catholic faith. The group Mission Statement is:
To connect women of all ages and walks of life that desire to embrace opportunities to deepen commitment to our Catholic faith through prayer, reading, and dialogue. See the bulletin for upcoming meeting dates.
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