Thanksgiving Assistance: The Ladies Guild and Good Samaritan Ministry are making their annual arrangements for our neighbors in need to do their own grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. Your monetary donations will be used to purchase grocery gift cards for them to receive. If you can contribute, please place your donations in an envelope marked, "Thanksgiving Assistance" and drop it in the collection basket at Mass, or mail it/drop it off at the Parish Office by Sunday, November 24th. If you are donating by check, please make it payable to the St. Bridget Good Samaritan Ministry. We extend our gratitude and thanks for your generosity and care.
Thanksgiving Day Food Collection During the 9:00 AM Mass, Thursday, November 28th: The Good Samaritan Ministry is sponsoring its annual Thanksgiving Day food collection for the St. Vincent dePaul Southwest Ozanam Food Pantry at the 9:00 AM Mass on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28th. The pantry's most needed items are canned fruits and vegetables, boxed potatoes, rice, pasta, gravy and pasta sauces. Please check the expiration dates on all items! You will be invited to bring your food donations to the sanctuary after the homily and petitions. Cash donations or checks made out to the Good Samaritan Ministry are always accepted and appreciated. Thank you for your generosity and support of the hungry at Thanksgiving.